British Schools King’s College

British School, British Teachers, English Curriculum

Over 50 years delivering British education

Madrid  |  Murcia  |  Alicante  |  Panama  |  Latvia  |  Bahamas  |  Portugal  |  Cairo




• King's College is ranked in the Top 5 of the best 100 schools in Spain, according to Forbes Magazine.

• King's College, at the Forefront of British education in: Madrid, Alicante, Murcia, Portugal, Bahamas, Latvia and Panama. Choose the school that best suits your needs.

British School:
world class opportunities for your children

Since 1969 the British schools that make up King’s College have provided children with a rigorous and broad British education. Pupils from our schools go on to study at the best British universities as well as those in Spain, Europe and North America. We helped pupils win places at many excellent universities including: Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, London School of Economics, Manchester and St Andrews. Getting a good degree from a top university and being bilingual in two of the world’s most important languages opens a huge range of career and other opportunities to your child. Investing in the education of your children is the best way to ensure their future in a fast changing world.

in Spain, Panama, Latvia, Portugal and Bahamas

Why choose the British School King’s College?

British teachers with expertise and a passion for their subjects

All our British schools deliver the English National Curriculum with its focus on developing thoughtful and knowledgeable young people. We know from experience that a successful school depends on recruiting teachers with the skills and experience to turn the curriculum into dynamic lessons that ignite the imagination. This is how we deliver real knowledge and understanding to your child and develop the core skills that will serve them well in the future.

colegios britanicos profesores
colegios ingles clases

A very British education, classes taught in English

We believe that child centred, exploratory learning, will teach your child how to think, question and explore new ideas. All learning at King’s College is based upon these core skills; not simply a list of memorised facts, but real knowledge and understanding. We cannot promise you that your child will go to one of the world’s top universities, no one can. We can, however, give your son or daughter the best possible chance to reach their full potential, as a thinking, conscientious young person.
We can say with confidence that we treat every child as an individual and that we will do everything we can to give them the best start in their life.

British School: consistently excellent results

All of our schools have a reputation for academic excellence. Last year at our school in Madrid our pass rate for A levels was 97% and most of those pupils received an A or B. While nearly 98% passed AS Levels, again nearly 70% of those received an A or B. In the IGCSEs, 93.5% passed with three quarters achieving an A or B.
Students at King’s College received 164 offers from UK universities ranked in the top 50,81 offers are from universities ranked in the top 20 and 38 from universities ranked in the top 10. Good examination results and a place at university for your child are just part of what we strive to deliver. Parents send their children to King’s College because they want their children to be exposed to new ideas, to have their minds stimulated, their intellectual curiosity fostered and their creativity nurtured.

colegios britanicos